Monday, October 10, 2011

Old Trucks

While wandering around Sauvie Island in the Portland, Oregon area yesterday I ran across these two vintage farm trucks. They appear to have ceased their mobile usefulness and now serve as a colorful entry monument to this farm. I'll bet these two could tell many stories from their past decades of use!

This third truck was parked at the other entry to this farm...

...and the front fence had old farm implements all along the road planted like this...

For more Old Trucks click on the large pic below to see the slideshow or click here for the individual pics. These are from the Hays Antique Truck Museum in Woodland, CA.

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1 comment:

Duncan Moredock said...

Oh, that looks cool! Eventually, trucks grow old and break down. Aside from finding a part or two that can be salvaged and used again, sometimes it's better to use them like that instead of letting them rust away in a graveyard.

It's like a fun, colorful retirement for them.